Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 133
Title I find my joy in thee
Composed 27th December 1727, Leipzig

Choir for 4 voices
Soprano solo
Alto solo
Tenor solo
Bass solo
Oboe d`amore I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Movements Choir: I find my joy in thee
Aria (Alto): Getrost! Take hope! A holy body holds
Recitative (Tenor): An Adam may when filled with terror
Aria (Soprano): How lovely to my ears it ringeth
Recitative (Bass): Well then, to fear and pain of death
Chorale: Lead on, 'tis my desire
Category Spiritual Cantata
Event 3rd Christmas Day
Author of text Kaspar Ziegler 1697
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Oboe d`amore I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

(Cantus firmus in Soprano)

Alto solo
Oboe d`amore I + II
Basso continuo

Recitative: Tenor solo
Basso continuo

Aria: Soprano solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Recitative: Bass solo
Basso continuo

Chorale: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Oboe d`amore I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

I find my joy in thee
And bid thee hearty welcome,
My dearest Jesus-child!
Thou hast here undertaken
My brother dear to be.
Ah, what a pleasing sound!
How friendly he appears,
This mighty Son of God!

Take hope! A holy body holds
Almighty God's mysterious being.

I have now God---how well for me this moment!
From countenance to countenance regarded.
Ah, this my soul must now recover.

An Adam may when filled with terror
From God's own countenance
In paradise seek hiding! (1.)
But here Almighty God himself doth come to us:
And thus no fear oppresseth now my heart:
It knoweth his forgiving disposition.
Of his unbounded kindness
He's born a tiny babe
Who's called my Jesus-child.

How lovely to my ears it ringeth,
This word: for me is born my Jesus!
How this doth reach into my heart!

Who Jesus' name can't comprehend,
He whom it strikes not to the heart,
He must of hardest rock be made.

Well then, to fear and pain of death
No thought will give my strengthened heart.
If he from heaven would
The road to earth now journey,
Then will he, too, of me
Within my tomb be mindful.
Who Jesus truly knows
Will die not when he dies,
If he calls Jesus' name.

Lead on, 'tis my desire
To cleave to thee, O Jesus,
E'en though the world should break
Into a thousand pieces.
O Jesus, thou, just thou,
Thou art my life alone;
In thee, alone in thee,
My Jesus, will I sleep.


Hebrews 1: 1-14; Ecclesiastes 15: 1-8

Gosple John 1: 1-14
Bibletext 1. Genesis 3:8
Manuscript Thomasschool, Leipzig

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