Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 171
Title God, as thy name is
Composed 1st January 1729, Leipzig

Choir for 4 voices
Soprano solo
Alto solo
Tenor solo
Bass solo
Trumpet I + II + III
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Movements Choir: God, as thy name is
Aria (Tenor): Lord, as far as clouds are stretching
Recitative (Alto): Thou sweetest name of Jesus thou
Aria (Soprano): Jesus shall my first word be
Recitative (Bass): And since thou, Lord, hath said
Chorale: Let us this year complete then
Category Spiritual Cantata
Event New Year's Day, Feast of the Circumcision
Author of text Christian Friedrich Henrici 1728
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Trumpet I + II + III
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Aria: Tenor solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Recitative: Alto solo
Basso continuo

Aria: Soprano solo
Violin solo
Basso continuo

Recitative: Bass solo
Oboe I + II
Basso continuo

Chorale: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Trumpet I + II + III
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

God, as thy name is, so is, too, thy fame to the ends of the earth.

Lord, as far as clouds are stretching,
Stretcheth thine own name's great fame.
Ev'rything which stirs the lips,
Ev'rything which draweth breath,
Will now in thy might exalt thee.

Thou sweetest name (1.) of Jesus thou,
In thee is my repose;
Thou art my earthly comfort,
How can I then
Midst cross be ever anxious?
Thou art my sure defense and my great sign,
To which I run
Whene'er I am oppressed.
Thou art my being and my light,
My glory, my true confidence,
My helper in distress,
And my reward for the new year.

Jesus shall my first word be
In the new year to be spoken.
On and on
Laughs his name within my mouth now,
And within my final moments
Is Jesus, too, my final word.

And since thou, Lord, hath said:
If ye pray in my name's honor, (2.)
Ev'rything is "Yes!" and "Amen!"
Thus do we cry,
Thou Savior of the world, to thee:
Reject us now no more,
Protect us through this year
From fire, plague and risk of war!
Leave us thy word, that brilliant light,
Still pure and clearly burning;
Give our authorities
And unto all the nation
Thy healing blessing to acknowledge;
Give evermore
Joy and health to ev'ry station.
We pray this, Lord, in thy name's honor;
Say Yes! to this say Amen, amen!

Let us this year complete then
To bring praise to thy name
And sing to it our praises
Within the Christian fold.
If thou our life wouldst limit
Through thine almighty hand,
Support these thy dear Christians
And this our fatherland!
Thy blessing turn upon us,
Give peace in ev'ry region,
Make undisguised in this land
Thy joy-inspiring word;
To devils bring destruction
Here and in all the world!


Galatians 3: 23-29


Luke 2: 21

Bibletext 1. Luke 2:21; 2. John 14:13
Manuscript New York Piemont library; Singingacademy Berlin; Hessisch Country and Highschool library Darmstadt; Universiy library Warzawa

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