Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 174
Title I love the Almighty with all of my spirit
Composed 6th June 1729, Leipzig

Choir for 4 voices
Alto solo
Tenor solo
Bass solo

Horn da caccia I + II
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II + II
Viola I + II + III
Basso continuo

Movements Sinfonia (Concert): Instrumental
Aria (Alto): I love the Almighty with all of my spirit
Recitative (Tenor): What love this, which to none is like!
Aria (Bass): Take it now
Chorale: My heart doth love thee so, O Lord
Category Spiritual Cantata
Event Second Day of Pentecost
Author of text Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander) 1728
Sinfonia (ConCert):
Horn da caccia I + II
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II + II
Viola I + II + III
Basso continuo

Aria: Alto solo
Oboe I + II
Basso continuo

Tenor solo
Violin I + II + II
Viola I + II + III
Basso continuo

Bass solo
Violin I + II + II
Viola I + II + III
Basso continuo

Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II + II
Viola I + II + III
Basso continuo

I love the Almighty with all of my spirit,
He holds me, too, exceeding dear.
God alone
Shall all souls' true treasure be,
Where I have forever a wellspring of kindness.

What love this, which to none is like!
O what a priceless ransom this!
The Father hath his child's own life now
For sinners up to death delivered
And all those who did paradise
Make light of and then lost it
To blessedness elected.
For so hath God the world now loved! (1.)
My heart, remember this
And in these words receive thy comfort;
Before this mighty banner's sign
Now tremble even hell's own portals.

Take it now,
Clasp your hope, ye hands which trust him!
Jesus gives his paradise
And requires but this of you:
Keep your faith until the finish!

My heart doth love thee so, O Lord.
I pray, stand not from me afar
With thy support and mercy.
The whole world gives not joy to me,
For sky and earth my quest is not,
If I can only have thee.
And even if my heart should break,
Yet thou art still my confidence,
My Savior and my heart's true hope,
Who me through his blood hath redeemed.
Lord Jesus Christ,
My God and Lord, my God and Lord,
To scorn now put me nevermore!


Acts 10: 42-48


John 3: 16-21

Bibletext 1. John 3:16
Manuscript Singing Academy, Berlin; Riemenschmieder Bach Institute, Berea (Ohio); Congress library, Washington; Memorial library of Music, Stanford (California); University library, Warzawa; Antiquariate Charavay, Paris

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