Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 83
Title O joyous day of the new order
Composed 2nd February 1724, Leipzig

Choir for 4 voices
Alto solo
Tenor solo
Bass solo
Horn I + II
Oboe I + II
Violin solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Movements Aria (Alt): O joyous day of the new order
Intonazione and Recitative (Bass): Lord, now lettest thou this thy servant
Aria (Tenor): Hasten, heart, with joyfulness
Recitative (Alt): Yea, if thy faith doth see much darkness yet
Chorale: He is salvation's blessed light
Category Spiritual Cantata
Event The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Author of text Martin Luther 1524
Alto solo
Horn I + II
Oboe I + II
Violin solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Intonazione and Recitative: Bass solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Aria: Tenor solo
Violin solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

Alto solo
Basso continuo

Chorale: Soprano, Alt, Tenor, Bass
Horn I + II
Oboe I + II
Violin solo
Violin I + II
Basso continuo

O joyous day of the new order,
When our belief doth Jesus hold.
How gladly is at that last moment
That resting place, the grave, prepared!

Lord, now lettest thou this thy servant in peace depart now, according to thy word.
What to us mortals seems so dire
Gives us an entrance unto living.
In truth is death
A limit to this time and woe,
A pledge to us the Lord hath given,
A token that he meaneth well
And then, when once the fight is over,
To peace would lead us.
And since the Savior now
The eyes' true hope, the heart's refreshment is,
What wonder that a heart the fear of death forgets?
It can with joy this utt'rance make:
For mine own eyes now have indeed thy Savior regarded, him whom thou hast here brought forth before all nations.

Hasten, heart, with joyfulness
'Fore the throne of grace to venture! (1.)
Thou must now receive salvation
And compassion's grace discover,
Yea, when trouble fills thy days,
Strong in spirit, pray with vigor.

Yea, if thy faith doth see much darkness yet,
Thy Savior can the doubting shadows scatter;
Yea, when the tomb's dark night
The final hour fills with dread,
Then shalt thou, still secure,
His radiant light in death itself encounter.

He is salvation's blessed light
To the gentiles,
To illumine those who know thee not,
And give nurture.
He's thy people's Israel,
The praise, fame, joy, and glory.


Malachi 3: 1-4


Luke 2: 22-32

Bibletext Luke 2:29-31; 1. Hebrews 4:16
Manuscript Estate C.P.E. Bach

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