Johann Sebastian Bach
BWV | 244 |
Title | St. Matthew Passion |
Composed | 1729, Leipzig |
Scoring | Choir
for eight voices (Two choirs) |
Movements | 1. Choir: Come,
ye daughters, share my mourning 2. Recitative (Tenor): When Jesus, then, had finished all these sayings 3. Chorale: O dearest Jesus, how hast thou offended 4. Recitative (Tenor): There assembled themselves the high priests 5. Choir: Not upon the feast 6. Recitative (Tenor): When now Jesus visited Bethany 7. Choir: What end serveth all this nonsense? 8. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): But when Jesus noticed this, said he unto them: 9. Recitative (Alto): Belove'd Savior thou 10. Aria (Alto): Guilt and pain 11. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): Then there went one of the twelve 12. Aria (Soprano): Bleed alway 13. Recitative (Tenor): But on the first day 14. Choir: What place wouldst thou have us prepare thee 15. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): Go ye forth to the town 16. Recitative (Tenor): And they were then very sad 17. Choir: Lord, is it I 18. Chorale: 'Tis I, I must be sorry 19. Recitative (Tenor, Bass I + II): He answeréd thus and said 20. Recitative (Soprano): In truth my heart in tears doth swim 21. Aria (Soprano): I will thee my heart now offer 22. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): But after the song of praise had been recited 23. Chorale: Acknowledge me, my keeper 24. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): Peter, however, then answeréd and said to him 25. Chorale: I will here by thee stand now 26. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): Then came Jesus with them to a garden 27. Recitative und Choral: O pain! Here trembleth the tormented heart 28. Aria and Choir (Tenor): I will be with my Jesus watching 29. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): He went on a little 30. Recitative (Bass): The Savior falls before his Father prostrate 31. Aria (Bass): Gladly would I be most willing 32. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And he came to his disciples 33. Chorale: What my God will, be done alway 34. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And he came and found them once more sleeping 35. Duetto and Choir (Soprano, Alto): Thus hath my Jesus now been taken 36. Choir: Hath lightning, hath thunder in clouds fully vanished? 37. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And lo now, one of that number 38. Chorale: O man, bewail thy sins so great 39. Aria and Choir (Alto): Ah, now is my Jesus gone! 40. Recitative (Tenor): But those, however, who had seized Jesus 41. Chorale: The world hath judged me with deceit 42. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And although there came there many false witnesses 43. Recitative (Tenor): My Jesus keeps, amidst false lies his silence 44. Aria (Tenor): Forbear, Forbear 45. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And the chief priest then, answering 46. Choir: He is of death deserving! 47. Recitative (Tenor): Then did they spit upon his countenance 48. Choir: Foretell it us 49. Chorale: Who hath thee thus so smitten 50. Recitative (Alto, Tenor, Bass): Peter, meanwhile, sat outside in the court 51. Choir: Truly, thou art one of those men also 52. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): Then he began to invoke a curse 53. Aria (Alto): Have mercy 54. Chorale: Though I now have thee forsaken 55. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): When morning came, however, all the chief priests and the elders of the people 56. Choir: How doth that us concern 57. Recitative (Tenor, Bass I + II): And he cast the silvers pieces in the temple 58. Aria (Bass): Give back this my Jesus to me! 59. Recitative (Tenor, Bass I + II): So they took counsel once again 60. Chorale: Commend thou all thy pathways 61. Recitative (Soprano, Tenor, Bass): But upon this feast 62. Choir: Have him crucified! 63. Chorale: How awe-inspiring is indeed this sentence! 64. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): The governor said then: 65. Recitative (Soprano): He hath us all so richly blessed 66. Aria (Soprano): For love now 67. Recitative (Tenor): They cried again even more and said 68. Choir: Have him crucified! 69. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): But when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing 70. Choir: His blood come upon us 71. Recitative (Tenor): To them he then set Barabbas free 72. Recitative (Alto): Have mercy, God! 73. Aria (Alto): If the tears upon my cheeks can 74. Recitative (Tenor): And then did the governor's soldiers take Jesus 75. Choir: All hail now to thee 76. Recitative (Tenor): And spat upon his face 77. Chorale: O head of blood and wounding 78. Recitative (Tenor): And after they had mocked and scorned him 79. Recitative (Bass): Yea truly, would in us our flesh and blood 80. Aria (Bass): Come, O sweet cross 81. Recitative (Tenor): And when they came unto a place 82. Choir: Thou who dost God's own temple destroy 83. Recitative (Tenor): In like wise did also the chief priests 84. Choir: Others brought he salvation 85. Recitative (Tenor): In like wise did the murderers also mock him 86. Recitative (Alto): Ah Golgotha 87. Aria and Choir (Alto): See ye, Jesus hath his hand 88. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And from the sixth hour 89. Choir: He calleth to Elias! 90. Recitative (Tenor): And straightway one of them ran forth 91. Choir: Stop! Let us see if Elias will 92. Recitative (Tenor): But Jesus cried again aloud and was dead. 93. Chorale: When I one day must leave here 94. Recitative (Tenor): And lo, behold: the curtain of the temple was rent 95. Choir: Truly, this man was God's own Son most truly 96. Recitative (Tenor): And there were many women there 97. Recitative (Bass): At eventide, when it was cool 98. Aria (Bass): Make thyself, my heart, now pure 99. Recitative (Tenor): And Joseph took the body 100. Choir: Sire, we have taken thought 101. Recitative (Tenor, Bass): And Pilate said unto them 102. Recitative and Choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass): Now is the Lord brought to his rest 103. Choir: We lay ourselves with weeping prostrate |
Category | Passion |
Event | Good Friday |
Author of text | Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander) 1729 |
Text 1. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
1 Come, ye daughters, share my mourning, See ye,whom? the bridegroom there, See him, how?just like a lamb! O Lamb of God, unspotted Upon the cross's branch slaughtered, See ye, --- what? --- see him forbear, Alway displayed in thy patience, How greatly wast thou despiséd. Look --- where, then? --- upon our guilt; All sin hast thou borne for us, Else we had lost all courage. See how he with love and grace Wood as cross himself now beareth! Have mercy on us, O Jesus! |
2. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): When Jesus, then, had finished
all these sayings, he said to his disciples: Bass (Jesus): Ye know well that in two days will be Passover, and the Son of man is then to be handed over, that he be crucifiéd. |
3. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II,
Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
O dearest Jesus, how hast
thou offended, That such a cruel sentence hath been spoken? What is thy guilt, what were the evil doings Thou hast committed? |
4. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist):There assembled themselves the high priests and the scribes together, and the elders of the people within the palace of the chief priest, whose name was Caiphas; and there took counsel, how with stealth they might capture Jesus and put him to death. They said however: |
5. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I
+ II, Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Not upon the feast, lest there be an uproar in the people. |
6. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): When now Jesus visited Bethany and was in the house of the leper called
Simon, unto him came a woman who carried a jar of precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at the table. But when his disciples saw it, they became indignant and said: |
7. Choir I: Soprano I, Alto I, Tenor I, Bass I Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
What end serveth all this nonsense? For this ointment might indeed have been sold for much, and the sum to the poor been given. |
8. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But when Jesus noticed this, said
he unto them: Bass (Jesus): Why trouble ye so this woman? For she hath done a good deed for me! Ye always have the poor with you, me though will ye not have always. That she hath poured this ointment over my body hath she done because I am to be buried. Truly I say to you: wherever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, there will be told also in memory of her what she hath done. |
9. Recitative: Alto solo Travers flute I + II Basso continuo |
Belove'd Savior thou, Midst thy disciples' foolish quarrel, Because this loyal dame Thy body with her oils To bury would make ready, O in the meanwhile grant me this, From these mine eyes' own streams of weeping To pour upon thy head an ointment! |
10. Aria: Alto solo Basso continuo |
Guilt and pain Break the sinful heart in twain, So the teardrops of my weeping A most soothing precious balm, Faithful Jesus, thee doth offer. |
11. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): Then there went one of the twelve,
whose name was Judas Iscariot, forth unto the chief priests and said: Bass (Judas): What would ye then give me? I would to you betray him. Tenor (Evangelist): And they offered him thirty silver pieces. And from thence forth he sought an opportunity when he might betray him. |
12. Aria: Soprano solo Travers flute I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Bleed alway, O thou my heart! Ah, a child which thou hast nurtured, Which at thine own breast hath suckled, Bodes his keeper now to murder, For it hath become a serpent. |
13. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But on the first day of Unleavened Bread came the disciples to Jesus and said unto him: |
14. Choir I: Soprano I, Alto I, Tenor I, Bass I Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
What place wouldst thou have us prepare thee, the paschal lamb to eat now? |
15. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): He said: Bass (Jesus): Go ye forth to the town, to one there and say to him: The Master sends thee this message: Now my time is here, I would in thy house keep the Passover with my disciples. Tenor (Evangelist): The disciples did this, as Jesus had commanded them, and made ready there the paschal lamb. And at evening he sat down at the table with the twelve. And while they ate there, he said: Tenor (Evangelist): Truly, I say to you: there is one of you who will betray me. |
16. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And they were then very sad and they began, each one of them in turn, to say unto him: |
17. Choir I: Soprano I, Alto I, Tenor I,Bass I Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Lord, is it I? |
18. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II,
Bass I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
'Tis I, I must be sorry, With hands and feet together Bound fast, must lie in hell. The scourges and the fetters And all that thou hast suffered, All this deserveth now my soul. |
19. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): He answeréd thus and said: Bass (Jesus): He who his hand with me in the dish now dippeth, this one will betray me. The Son of man indeed goeth hence, as it hath been written of him; but woe to that man through whom the Son of man hath been betrayed! It were better for him if this very man had never been born. Tenor (Evangelist): Then answeréd Judas, who betrayed him, and said: Bass (Judas): Is it I, Rabbi? Tenor (Evangelist): He said to him: Bass (Jesus): Thou sayest. Tenor (Evangelist): But when they had eaten, did Jesus take bread, gave thanks and brake it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Bass (Jesus): Take, eat, this is my Body. Tenor (Evangelist): And he took the cup and, giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying: Bass (Jesus): Drink, all of you, from this; this is my Blood of the New Testament, which hath been poured out here for many in remission of their sins. I say to you: I shall from this moment forth no more drink from this the fruit of the grapevine until the day when I shall drink it anew with you within my Father's kingd |
20. Recitative: Soprano solo Oboe d`amore I + II Basso continuo |
In truth my heart in tears
doth swim, That Jesus doth from me depart, But I am by his Testament consoled: His Flesh and Blood, O precious gift, Bequetheth he to mine own hands now. Just as he in the world unto his people Could never offer malice, He loveth them until the finish. |
21. Aria: Soprano solo Oboe d`amore I + II Basso continuo |
I will thee my heart now offer, Merse thyself, my health, in it! I would merse myself within thee; If to thee the world's too small, Ah, then shalt thou me alone More than world and heaven be. |
22. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But after the song of praise had
been recited, they went out to the Mount of Olives. And there Jesus
said to them: |
23. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II,
Bass I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Acknowledge me, my keeper, My shepherd, make me thine! From thee, source of all blessings, Have I been richly blest. Thy mouth hath oft refreshed me With milk and sweetest food, Thy Spirit hath endowed me With many heav'nly joys. |
24. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): Peter, however, then answeréd
and said to him. Bass (Peter): Although the others all be annoyed because of thee, yet will I myself not ever feel annoyance. Tenor (Evangelist): Jesus said to him: Bass (Jesus): Truly, I say to thee: in this same night, before the cock croweth, wilt thou three times have denied me. Tenor (Evangelist): Peter said to him: Bass (Peter): And even if I must die with thee, I will not ever deny thee. Tenor (Evangelist): And so declared all the other disciples. |
25. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
I will here by thee stand
now; O put me not to scorn! From thee will I go never, While thee thy heart doth break. When thy heart doth grow pallid Within death's final stroke, E'en then will I enfold thee Within my arms and lap. |
26. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): Then came Jesus with them to a garden,
known as Gethsemane, and said to his disciples: Bass (Jesus): Sit ye down here, while I go over there and pray. Tenor (Evangelist): And taking Peter with him and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to mourn and to be troubled. Then said Jesus unto them: Bass (Jesus): Now my soul is sore distressed, even to death; tarry here and keep watch with me. |
27. Recitative and Choir I + II: Tenor solo Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Recorder I + II Oboe da caccia I + II Basso continuo |
Tenor: O
pain! Here trembleth the tormented heart; How it doth sink, how pale his countenance! Choir I + II: What is the reason for all these great torments? Tenor: The judge conveys him to the court. Here is no hope, and helper none. Choir I + II: Alas, my sins, they have thee sorely stricken; Tenor: He suffers all of hell's own torture, He must for others' theft make payment. Choir I + II: I, ah Lord Jesus, have this debt encumbered Tenor: Which thou art bearing. Ah, would that now my love for thee, My health, thy trembling and thy terror Could lighten or could help thee carry. How gladly would I stay! |
28. Aria and Choir I + II: Tenor solo Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Zion): I will be with my Jesus watching, Choir I + II (Faithful): That slumber may our sins enfold. Tenor (Zion): Mine own death Is redeemed by his soul's woe; His sorrow filleth me with gladness. Choir I + II (Faithful): Thus for us his most worthy passion Most bitter and yet sweet must be. |
29. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): He went on a little, fell down upon his face and, having prayed, he said: Bass (Jesus): My Father, if possible, allow this cup to pass from me; but not as I will, rather as thou wilt. |
30. Recitative: Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
The Savior falls before his
Father prostrate; Thereby he raiseth me and all men From our corruption Aloft again to God's dear mercy. He is prepared The cup, the bitterness of death, To drink now, In which the sins of this our world Have been infused, now loathsome reeking, Because God wills it so to be. |
31. Aria: Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Gladly would I be most willing Cross and chalice to accept now, Drinking from my Savior's cup. For his mouth, Which with milk and honey floweth, Hath the earth, And all sorrow's bitter taste With the very first draught sweetened. |
32. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And he came to his disciples and
found them sleeping and said unto them: Bass (Jesus): Could ye then not watch with me even for one hour? Watch ye and pray, that ye not fall into temptation! The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Tenor (Evangelist): A second time he went off, prayed and said: Bass (Jesus): My Father, if it cannot be that this cup pass from me, unless I have drunk it, then let thy will be done. |
33. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
What my God will, be done
alway, His will, it is the best will; To help all those he is prepared Whose faith in him is steadfast. He frees from want, this righteous God, And punisheth with measure: Who trusts in God, on him relies, Him will he not abandon. |
34. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And he came and found them once
more sleeping, and now their eyes were heavy with sleep. And he left
them and went off once again a third time and said again the very same
words. Then came he to his disciples and said unto them: Bass (Jesus): Ah, would ye now sleep and rest? Lo now, the hour is come when the Son of man is delivered over to the hands of sinners. Rise ye up, let us be going; see there, he is come, who doth betray me. Tenor (Evangelist): And while he was speaking still, behold, there came Judas, one of the twelve, and with him came a great crowd with swords and with clubs from the chief priests and elders of the people. And the betrayer had given them a signal already and had said: "He whom I shall kiss, is he, him take ye!" At that he went up to Jesus and said: Bass (Judas): My greetings to thee, Rabbi! Tenor (Evangelist): And gave him a kiss. Jesus, though, said to him: Bass (Jesus): My friend, wherefore art thou come here? Tenor (Evangelist): Then came the others forth and, laying their hands upon Jesus, they captured him. |
35. Duetto and Choir I + II: Soprano solo, Alto solo Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Soprano, Alto (Zion): Thus hath my Jesus now been taken. |
36. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Travers Flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Hath lightning, hath thunder in clouds fully vanished? Lay open thy fire's raging chasm, O hell, then, Now ruin, demolish, devour, now shatter With suddenmost wrath The lying betrayer, that murderous blood! |
37. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And lo now, one of that number,
who were there with Jesus, did stretch out his hand then and struck
the slave of the chief priest and cut off his ear. Then said Jesus to him: Bass (Jesus): Put back thy sword into its place; for all who take the sword must by the sword perish. Or dost thou then think that I could not appeal unto my Father that to me he send forth more than twelve legions of angels? How would the scripture, though, be fulfilled? It must be this way. Tenor (Evangelist): At this hour said Jesus to the many: Bass (Jesus): Ye are now come forward as against a murderer, with swords and with clubs now to take me; but I have daily been sitting with you and have been there teaching in the temple, and ye did not ever seize me. But all this is now come to pass, to bring fulfillment to the scriptures of the prophets. Then did all the disciples flee and forsake him. |
38. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
O man, bewail thy sins so
great, For which Christ did his Father's lap Reveal and came to earth here; And of a virgin pure and mild For us he here to birth did come To be the Intercessor. Unto the dead he granted life And put off all infirmity Until the time pressed forward That he for us be sacrificed; He bore our sins' most grievous weight Upon the cross, long suff'ring. |
39. Aria and Choir I + II: Alto solo Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Part 2 Alto (Zion): Ah, now is my Jesus gone! Choir I + II (Faithful): Where is then thy friend now departed, O thou fairest of all the women? Is it granted, can I see him? Where hath he thy friend gone away? Ah, my lamb in tiger's clutches, Ah, where is my Jesus gone? We will with thee now go and seek him. Ah, what shall I say to my spirit When it doth in anguish ask me: Ah, where is my Jesus gone? |
40. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But those, however, who had seized Jesus led him away to the chief priest, who was Caiphas, there where the learned scribes and the elders already had assembled. Peter, though, had followed him from a distance up to the palace of the chief priest and went inside and sat himself near the servants, that he might see what the outcome would be. The chief priests, though, and also the elders and the whole assembly sought untrue witness against Jesus in order to kill him, and they did find none. |
41. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
The world hath judged me with deceit, With lying and with false conceit, With nets and snares in secret. Lord, me regard In this distress, Guard me from false deceptions. |
42. Recitative: Alto solo, Tenor I + II solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And although there came there many
false witnesses, they still did find none. At last entered therein two
false informants and said: Alto, Tenor (Witnesses): He hath declared: "God's temple can I fully demolish and within three days' time I can rebuild it." Tenor (Evangelist): And the chief priest then stood up and said to him: Bass (Chief Priest): Replies thou nought to that which they have witnessed against thee? Tenor (Evangelist): But Jesus kept silent. |
43. Recitative: Tenor solo Oboe I + II Viola da gamba Basso continuo |
My Jesus keeps Amidst false lies his silence, To show us by example That his dear mercy's full intention For us to suffer now inclines, In order that within such pain We should resemble him, In persecution keep our silence. |
44. Aria: Tenor solo Viola da gamba Organ Basso continuo |
Forbear, Though deceiving tongues may sting me! Though I suffer, innocent, Mocking scorn, Ah, then may the Lord above Give my guiltless heart its vengeance. |
45. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And the chief priest then, answering,
spake thus to him: Bass (Chief Priest): I adjure thee in the name of the living God, that thou shouldst tell us, if thou art the Christ, the Son of God. Tenor (Evangelist): Jesus said to him: Bass (Jesus): Thou sayest. But I say to you: from henceforth it will happen that ye shall behold the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven. Tenor (Evangelist): Thereupon the chief priest rent his clothes asunder and said: Bass (Chief Priest): God hath he blasphemed; what need we of further witness? See here, now have ye heard his blasphemy against God. What is your judgment? Tenor (Evangelist): They answeréd and said: |
46. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
He is of death deserving! |
47. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Then did they spit upon his countenance and struck him with their fists. Some, though, there were who struck him upon his face and said: |
48. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Foretell it us, Christ Lord, tell us who struck thee! |
49. Chorale I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II,
Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Who hath thee thus so smitten, My health, and thee tormented, So evilly abused? Thou art indeed no sinner Like us and our descendants; Of evil deeds thou knowest not. |
50. Recitative: Alto solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): Peter, meanwhile, sat outside in
the court; and there came to him a maid and said: Alto (First Maid): And thou was also with Jesus of Galilee. Tenor (Evangelist): But he then denied this before them all and said: Bass (Peter): I know not what thou sayest. Tenor (Evangelist): But when he went out to the porch, he was seen by another maid, who said to those who were there: Alto (Second Maid): This man was also with Jesus of Nazareth. Tenor (Evangelist): And once more did he deny it and with an oath: Bass (Peter): I know nothing of the man. Tenor (Evangelist): And when a little time had passed, there came to him those who were present and said to Peter: |
51. Choir: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Truly, thou art one of those
men also; for thine own speech doth betray thee. |
52. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Organ Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): Then he began to invoke a curse
upon himself and to swear: Bass (Peter): I know nothing of the man. Tenor (Evangelist): And at this moment the cock crew. Then Peter thought back to the words of Jesus, when he said unto him: "Before the cock shall have crowed, wilt three times thou have denied me." And he went out and wept with great bitterness. |
53. Aria: Alto solo Violin solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Have mercy Lord, My God, because of this my weeping! Look thou here, Heart and eyes now weep for thee Bitterly. |
54. Chorale I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II,
Bass I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Though I now have thee forsaken, I will once again return; For thy Son hath reconciled us Through his agony and death. I deny no whit my guilt; But thy mercy and thy grace Are much greater than the failings Which I ever find within me. |
55. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): When morning came, however, all
the chief priests and the elders of the people took council concerning
Jesus, that they might put him to death. And binding him, they led him
away and handed him over unto the governor Pontius Pilatus. And when
Judas saw this, the one who had betrayed him, that he had been condemned
to death, it gave him great remorse, and, bringing back again the thirty
silver pieces unto the chief priests and elders, he said: Bass (Judas): I have committed a sin, for I have innocent blood here betrayed. Tenor (Evangelist): They said: |
56. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
How doth that us concern? See to it thyself! |
57. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And he cast the silvers pieces in the temple,
rose up from there, went forth and then hanged himself at once. But
the chief priests took the silver pieces and said: Bass I + II (Chief Priests): We cannot lawfully put them in the temple treasury, for this is blood money. |
58. Aria: Bass solo Violin solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Give back this my Jesus to
me! See the price, this murder's wage, Thrown by this the fallen son At your feet before you! |
59. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass I + II solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): So they took counsel once again and bought with them a potter's field set aside for the burial of strangers. Therefore is this selfsame field also known as the Field of Blood from then to this very day. Thus is fulfilléd what was told before by the prophet Jeremiah, when he saith: "And they have accepted thirty silver pieces, with which to pay the price of one purchased, whom they had purchased from the children of Israel, and they have given it to buy a potter's field, as the Lord hath commanded me." Jesus meanwhile stood before the governor; and the governor questioned him and said: Bass (Pilate): Art thou the King of the Jews? Tenor (Evangelist): Jesus then replied to him: Bass (Jesus): Thou sayest it. Tenor (Evangelist): And when he was charged by the chief priests and the elders, he made no reply. Then said Pilate unto him: Bass (Pilate): Hearest thou not how harshly they accuse thee? Tenor (Evangelist): And he answeréd him to never a word, such that the governor was also much amazed at him. |
60. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Commend thou all thy pathways And all that grieves thy heart To the most faithful keeping Of him who ruleth heav'n. To clouds and air and breezes He gives their course to run, He will find pathways also Whereon thy foot may walk. |
61. Recitative and Choir I: Soprano solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo Soprano I, Alto I , Tenor I , Bass I Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But upon this feast the governor
had the custom of setting free a prisoner to the people, whom they had
chosen. He had, however, on this occasion a prisoner, who stood out
above the others, whose name was Barabbas. And when they had come together,
Pilate said unto them: Bass (Pilate): Which one would ye have that I release unto you? Barabbas or Jesus, of whom it is said that he is the Christ? Tenor (Evangelist): For he knew full well that it was for envy that they had delivered him. And as he sat upon the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him and gave this message: Soprano (Pilate's Wife): Have thou nothing to do with this righteous man; for I today have suffered much in a dream because of him! Tenor (Evangelist): Nevertheless the chief priests and the elders had now persuaded the crowd, that they should ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. And in answer now, the governor said unto them: Bass (Pilate): Which one would ye have of these two men here, that I set free to you? Tenor (Evangelist): And they said: Choir (Crowd): Barabbas! Tenor (Evangelist): And Pilate said unto them: Bass (Pilate): What shall I then do with Jesus, of whom is said that he is Christ? Tenor (Evangelist): And they all said: |
62. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Traversflute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Have him crucified! |
63. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alt oI + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
How awe-inspiring is indeed this sentence! The worthy shepherd for his flock now suffers; The debt he pays, the master, he the righteous, For all his servants. |
64. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): The governor said then: Bass (Pilate): Why, what evil hath this man done? |
65. Recitative: Soprano solo Oboe da caccia I + II Basso continuo |
He hath us all so richly
blessed, The blind he hath returned their sight, The lame he leaveth walking, He tells us of his Father's word, He drives the devil forth, The troubled hath he lifted up, He took the sinners to himself. Else hath my Jesus nothing done. |
66. Aria: Soprano solo Travers flute I + II Oboe da caccia I + II Basso continuo |
For love now, For love now would my Savior perish, Of any sin he knoweth nought. That eternal condemnation And the sentence of the court Not upon my soul continue. |
67. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
They cried again even more and said: |
68. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Have him crucified! |
69. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But when Pilate saw that he could
prevail nothing, rather that a much greater disturbance grew, he took
water and washed his hands before the crowd and said: Bass (Pilate): I am not guilty for the blood of this just person, see ye to it. Tenor (Evangelist): Thereupon answered all the people and said: |
70. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
His blood come upon us then and on our children. |
71. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): To them he then set Barabbas free; but he had Jesus scourged and then delivered him up, that he might be crucifiéd. |
72. Recitative: Alto solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Have mercy, God! Here stands the Savior, bound and fettered. Such scourging this, such blows, such wounding! Ye hangmen, stop your work! Do ye not feel Your spirit's grief, The vision of such pain and woe? Ah yes! Ye have a heart Which must be like the whipping post And e'en much harder still. Have mercy, stop your work! |
73. Aria: Alto solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
If the tears upon my cheeks can Nought accomplish, Oh, then take my heart as well! But then let amidst the streaming Of the wounds abundant bleeding Be the sacrificial cup! |
74. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist):And then did the governor's soldiers
take Jesus into the praetorium and gathered before him there all the
troops, and they did strip him and put upon him a purple robe and plaited
a crown of thorns and set it upon his head, and a reed in his right
hand and then they bent their knees before him, both mocking him and
saying: |
75. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
All hail now to thee, King of the Jews! |
76. Rezitativ: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist):And spat upon his face and, taking the reed, they struck him upon his head. |
77. Chorale: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass I
+ II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
O head of blood and wounding, Of pain and scorn so full, O Head, for spite now fettered Beneath a crown of thorns, O head, once fair and lovely, With highest praise adorned, But highly now insulted, All hail to thee, I say! Thou countenance so noble, At which should shrink and quail The mighty world's great burden, How spat upon thou art; How pale thou art become now! Who hath thine eyes' bright light, Alike no other light once, So shamefully abused? |
78. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And after they had mocked and scorned him, they removed the robe from him and put his own raiment upon him and led him away, that they might crucify him. And after they went out, they found a man who came from Cyrene, whose name was Simon; and they compelled him to bear his cross. |
79. Recitative: Bass solo Travers flute I + II Viola da gamba Basso continuo |
Yea truly, would in us our flesh and blood Be forced upon the cross; The more it doth our spirit good, The grimmer it becomes. |
80. Aria: Bass solo Viola da gamba Basso continuo |
Come, O sweet cross, thus I'll confess it: My Jesus, give it evermore! Whene'er my burden be too grave, Then thou thyself dost help me bear it. |
81. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And when they came unto a place with the name of Golgotha, which is
to say, the place of a skull, they did give him vinegar to drink which
had been mixed with gall; and when he tasted it, he refused to drink
it. But after they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting
lots for them, that it might be accomplished what had once been said
by the prophet: "They have divided all my garments among them and
over mine own vesture did they cast lots." And they sat all around
and guarded him there. And over his head they fastened the reason for
his death in writing, namely: "This is Jesus, the King of the Jews."
And with him were two murderers also crucified, one on the right hand,
another on the left. And those who there passed by derided him both
wagging their heads before him and saying: |
82. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Thou who dost God's own temple destroy and buildest it within three
days' time, save thyself now! If thou art God's Son, then climb down
from the cross! |
83. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): In like wise did also the chief priests ridicule him and together with the scribes and elders say: |
84. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Others brought he salvation and can himself yet not save now. Is he the King of Israel? Let him climb down from the cross and we will then believe him. In God hath he trusted, let him save him then now, if he will, for he hath declared: "I am Son of God." |
85. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): In like wise did the murderers also mock him, who with him had been crucified. |
86. Recitative: Alto solo Oboe da caccia I + II Basso continuo |
Alto (Zion): Ah Golgotha, unhappy Golgotha! The Lord of majesty must scornfully here perish, The saving blessing of the world Is placed as scorn upon the cross. Creator of both earth and heaven From earth and air must now be taken. The guiltless must here die guilty, Which pierceth deep into my soul; Ah Golgotha, unhappy Golgotha! |
87. Recitative and Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor
I + II, Bass I + II Alt solo Oboe da caccia I + II Basso continuo |
Alto (Zion): See ye, Jesus hath his hand, Us to capture, now outstretched, Come! Choir (Faithful) Where to? Alto (Zion): In Jesus' bosom Seek redemption, take his mercy, Seek it Choir (Faithful) Where? Alto (Zion):in Jesus' bosom! Living, dying, rest ye here, Ye forsaken little chicks, Bide ye Choir (Faithful) where?Alto (Zion): in Jesus' bosom. |
88. Recitative: Soprano solo, Alto solo,Tenor solo, Basso solo Traversflute I + II Oboe I + II Violine I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And from the sixth hour on there
was a darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the
ninth hour Jesus cried aloud and said: Bass (Jesus): Eli, Eli, lama asabthani? Tenor (Evangelist): That is: "My God, my God, wherefore hast thou me forsaken? But there were some who stood about there who, when they heard that, spake thus: |
89. Choir I: Soprano I, Alto I, Tenor I, Bass I Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
He calleth to Elias! |
90. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And straightway one of them ran
forth, who took a sponge and, filling it with vinegar, and placing it
upon a reed, gave him to drink. The others said, however: |
91. Choir II: Soprano II, Alto II, Tenor II, Bass II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Stop! Let us see if Elias will come forth and save him. |
92. Rezitativ: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): But Jesus cried again aloud and was dead. |
93. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
When I one day must leave here, Yet do thou not leave me; When I my death must suffer, Come forth thou then to me! And when most anxious trembling Hath once my heart possessed, Then free me from my anguish Through thine own fear and pain! |
94. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And lo, behold: the curtain of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. And the earth was filled with quaking, and the cliffs split asunder, and the graves themselves opened up, and there rose up the bodies of many saints who were sleeping, and they came out of the graves after his resurrection and came into the holy city and appeared to many. But the centurion and those who were with him and were watching over Jesus, when they witnessed the earthquake and all that there occurred, were sore afraid and said: |
95. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Truly, this man was God's own Son most truly. |
96. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And there were many women there, who looked on from a distance, having followed after him from Galilee and ministered unto him, in whose number was Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the children of Zebedee. At evening, though, there came a wealthy man of Arimathea, whose name was Joseph, who was also a disciple of Jesus, who went to Pilate and asked him for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate ordered that it be given to him. |
97. Recitative: Bass solo Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
At eventide, when it was cool, Was Adam's fall made manifest; At eventide the Savior overwhelmed him. At eventide the dove returneth, Its mouth an olive branch now bearing. O time so fair! O evening hour! The pact of peace is now with God complete, For Jesus hath his cross fulfilled. His body comes to rest, Ah, thou my spirit, hearken thou, Go, let them give thee Jesus' lifeless body, How healing this, how precious this memorial! |
98. Aria: Bass solo Oboe da caccia I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Make thyself, my heart, now pure, I myself would Jesus bury.For he shall henceforth in me More and more Find in sweet repose his dwelling. World, depart, let Jesus in! |
99. Recitative: Tenor solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a pure shroud of linen and laid it in his own new tomb, which he had had hewn within a rock, and rolled up a heavy stone in front of the door of this tomb and went away. In this place was Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, who sat themselves next to the tomb. On the day after, the one after the Preparation, came the chief priests and the Pharisees together unto Pilate and said: |
100. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Sire, we have taken thought how once this deceiver said when he was
still alive: "I will in three days' time again stand here arisen."
Therefore, command that now the tomb be guarded until the three days
pass, so none of his disciples come forth and steal him hence and to
the people say: "He is risen from the dead," for thus will
the final deceit be worse than the first one! |
101. Recitative: Tenor solo, Bass solo Basso continuo |
Tenor (Evangelist): And Pilate said unto them: Bass (Pilate): Ye have your watchmen; go ye forth and secure it as best ye can! Tenor (Evangelist): So they went forth and made safe the tomb with watchmen and did seal in the stone. |
102. Recitative: Soprano solo, Alto solo,Tenor solo, Bass solo Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
Bass: Now
is the Lord brought to his rest. My Jesus, now good night! Tenor (Evangelist): The toil is o'er which all our sins have laid on him. My Jesus, now good night! Alto: O thou, most blessed body, See how I weep with grief and sorrow for thee, That thee my fall to such distress hath brought! My Jesus, now good night! Soprano: Have all my life For thy great passion countless thanks, That thou my spirit's health such worth did pay. My Jesus, now good night! |
103. Choir I + II: Soprano I + II, Alto I + II, Tenor I + II, Bass
I + II Travers flute I + II Oboe I + II Violin I + II Viola Basso continuo |
We lay ourselves with weeping prostrate And cry to thee within the tomb: Rest thou gently, gently rest! Rest, O ye exhausted members! This your tomb and this tombstone Shall for ev'ry anguished conscience Be a pillow of soft comfort And the spirit's place of rest. Most content, slumber here the eyes in rest. |
Bibletext | Matthew 26-27; Song of Salomon 6:1 |
YouTube | Video 1; Philippe Herreweghe, 1. Choir; 2. Recitative; 3. Chorale Video 2; Philippe Herreweghe, 4. Recitative; 5. Choir; 6. Recitative; 7. Choir; 8. Recitative Video 3; Philippe Herreweghe, 9. Recitative; 10. Aria Video 4; Philippe Herreweghe, 11. Recitative; 12. Aria Video 5; Philippe Herreweghe, 13. Recitative; 14. Choir; 15. Recitative; 16. Recitative; 17. Choir; 18. Chorale; 19. Recitative Video 6; Philippe Herreweghe, 20. Recitative; 21. Aria Video 7; Philippe Herreweghe, 22. Recitative; 23. Chorale; 24. Recitative; 25. Chorale Video 8; Philippe Herreweghe, 26. Recitative; 27. Recitative with Choir; 28. Aria with Choir Video 9; Philippe Herreweghe, 29. Recitative; 30. Recitative; 31. Aria Video 10; Philippe Herreweghe, 32. Recitative; 33. Chorale Video 11; Philippe Herreweghe, 35. Duetto mit Chor; 36. Choir Video 12; Philippe Herreweghe, 37. Recitative; 38. Chorale Video 13; Philippe Herreweghe, 39. Aria with Choir Video 14; Philippe Herreweghe, 40. Recitative; 41. Chorale; 42. Recitative; 43. Recitative; 44. Aria Video 15; Philippe Herreweghe, 45. Recitative; 46. Choir; 47. Recitative; 48. Choir; 49. Chorale Video 16; Philippe Herreweghe, 50. Recitative; 51. Choir; 52. Recitative; 53. Aria Video 17; Philippe Herreweghe, 54. Chorale; 55. Recitative; 56. Choir; 57. Recitative; 58. Aria Video 18; Philippe Herreweghe, 59. Recitative; 60. Chorale; 61. Recitative and Choir; 62. Choir; 63. Chorale; 64. Recitative Video 19; Philippe Herreweghe, 65. Recitative; 66. Aria; 67. Recitative; 68. Choir; 69. Recitative; 70. Choir; 71. Recitative Video 20; Philippe Herreweghe, 72. Recitative; 73. Aria Video 21; Philippe Herreweghe, 74. Recitative; 75. Choir; 76. Recitative; 77. Chorael; 78. Recitative Video 22; Philippe Herreweghe, 79. Recitative; 80. Aria Video 23; Philippe Herreweghe, 81. Recitative; 82. Choir; 83. Recitative; 84. Choir; 85. Recitative; 86. Recitative; 87. Aria with Choir Video 24; Philippe Herreweghe, 88. Recitative; 89. Choir; 90. Recitativr; 91. Choir; 92. Recitative; 93. Choir; 94. Recitative; 95. Choir; 96. Recitative Video 25; Philippe Herreweghe, 97. Recitatiev; 98. Aria Video 26; Philippe Herreweghe, 99. Recitative; 100. Choir; 101. Recitative; 102. Recitative Video 27; Philippe Herreweghe, 103. Choir |
Manuscript | Estate C. Ph. E. Bach; Singing Academy, Berlin; Library of Society of Music friends, Vienna; Bodleian library, Oxford; Music Collection of Caecilien Asociation, Frankfort/Main; Town and University library, Franfkfort/Main; Saxons Country library, Dresden |