Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 766
Title Lord Christ, Thou art the heavenly light
Composed 1700, Arnstadt
Key F-Minor


Movements Partita 1
Partita 2
Partita 3
Partita 4
Partita 5
Partita 6
Partita 7
Category Partita
Event -
Author of text Unknown

1. Lord Christ, Thou art the heavenly light
Who dost disperse the shades of night.
All radiant, Thou, the Father`s Son,
Dost spread the brightness of his throne.

2. O dearest Lord, e`er guard our sleep,
From foes? assault our slumbers keep,
And let us find in Thee our rest,
Nor be by Satan`s wiles opprest.

3. E?en though our weary eye-lids fall,
O keep our hearts true to Thy call.
Above us stretch Thy Sheltering hand,
Lest Sin or Shame our dreams should brand.

4. We pray Thee, Jesus, Christ and Lord,
`Gainst Satan`s cunning help afford;
May he whose fell hosts camp around
Ne?er drag us with him to the ground

5. Sure `tis Thy heart`s most precious blood
Has won our souls Thy brotherhood;
And so indeed the Father meant
Ere to our world Thyself He sent.

6. O set Thine angels round our bed,
And may our thoughts to Thee be led;
That guarded so, north, east, south,
From Satan`s lures we find sure rest.

7. Safe in Thy care so shall we sleep
While watchful angels watch do keep
O God Eternal, Three in One,
Forever may Thy praises run.

YouTube Video 1
Manuscript Music library, Leipzig; Yale University, New Haven; Estate Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy; Bodleian library, Oxford

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