Johann Sebastian Bach


BWV 47
Title Who himself exalteth, he shall be made to be humble
Composed 13th October 1726, Leipzig

Choir for 4 voices
Soprano solo
Bass solo
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II
Organ obligato
Basso continuo

Movements Choir: Who himself exalteth, he shall be made to be humble
Aria (Soprano): He who would be called true Christian
Recitative (Bass): Mankind is dirt, stench, earth and ashes
Aria (Bass): Jesus, humble yet my spirit
Chorale: All temporal praise would I glad forsake
Category Spiritual Cantata
Event Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
Author of text Johann Friedrich Helbig 1720
Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II

Basso continuo

Soprano solo
Organ obligato
Basso continuo

Bass solo
Violin I + II

Basso continuo

Aria: Bass solo
Basso continuo

Chorale: Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
Oboe I + II
Violin I + II

Basso continuo

Who himself exalteth, he shall be made to be humble,
and who doth make himself humble, he shall be made exalted.

He who would be called true Christian
Must to meekness give much practice;
Meekness comes from Jesus' realm.
Haughty pride is devil's fare,
God treats all those with his hatred
Who their pride do not abandon.

Mankind is dirt, stench, earth and ashes;
How could it be by arrogance,
Born of the devil's brood,
Still yet so fascinated?
Ah, Jesus, God's own Son,
Creator of all nature,
Became for our sake humble and most lowly,
Enduring spite and scorn;
And thou, thou wretched worm, wouldst thou be boastful?
Beseemeth such as this a Christian?
Go, shame thyself, thou prideful creature man,
Repent and follow Christ's own path;
Prostrate thyself to God with faithful spirit!
In his own time he shall again exalt thee.

Jesus, humble yet my spirit
Under thy most mighty hand,
That I not salvation forfeit
As a foretaste of hell's fire.
Let me thine own meekness follow
And on pride set condemnation;
Give to me a humble heart,
That I may thy favor find!

All temporal praise would I glad forsake
If thou me but eternity give,
Which thou hast won for us
Through thine own painful, bitter death.
This do I ask, my Lord and God.

Epistle Ephesians 4: 1-6

Luke 14: 1-11

Bibletext Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14
Manuscript Singing Academy, Berlin; Estate C.P.E. Bach; Bodleian library, Oxford

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